RTI (1)

Repair of quarter by CPWD

Appellant sought information about his online complaint regarding minor repair in Type 4 quarter, the note taken from allottee that he is satisfied with the work and others. The Appellant expressed his dissatisfaction with the fact that neither the necessary repairs works has been carried out by the Respondent Public Authority despite repeated complaints nor his First Appeal has been adjudicated till date. The Respondent submitted that the First Appeal was never received in their office because the address mentioned by the Appellant was not correct. However, at the behest of the CIC, he submitted that copy of First Appeal is now received by him with the hearing notice of the CIC, and he will place a copy of it before the FAA for final order. The CIC observed that First Appeal of the Appellant is not heard by the FAA till date and the Respondent pleads to allowing placing it before the FAA. The CIC directed that a fair and proper hearing be conducted by the FAA, by giving due opportunity to both the parties to present his case. Hence, the Appeal was remanded back to the FAA for adjudication of First Appeal upon providing fair hearing to both the parties. The First Appeal shall be decided by a reasoned, speaking order on merits within four weeks from the date of receipt of this order.


The First Appellate Authority is an important link in the implementation of the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005. Every FAA should play the role assigned to ensure that the first appeal is disposed timely.

Citation: Amit Kumar v. CPWD, CIC/CPWNR/A/2023/109325; Date of Decision: 29-04-2024

RTI (2)

Link at which the case has been reported is given below from where the comments and citation may be checked-

The comments and citation mailed by me on 17.06.2024 can be checked from the mail and the relevant part which has not been reported is given below:-


High Court of Delhi in Union of India v. R. Jayachandran WP (C) 3406/2012 dated 19.02.2014 held that passport details, copies of birth certificate and copies of records of educational qualification are personal information, the disclosure of which would cause unwarranted invasion to the privacy of individuals unless there was an overbearing public interest in favour of disclosure. A similar view was taken by the High Court of Delhi in Ministry of External Affairs v. Asmita Sachin Waman, WP (C) 3735/ 2020 decided on 21.111.2022.

Citation: Shri Anurag Mittal v. Regional Passport Office, New Delhi, CIC/PASOF/A/2023/610640; Date of Decision : 27.03.2024

Dr Anuradha Verma ( is a RTI Consultant currently working with IIM Visakhapatnam. She has co-authored the books, RTI Right to Information - Law and Practice and PIO’s Guide to RTI. She offers consultancy on RTI matters and Third party audit. Her other articles can be read at the website of RTI Foundation of India at the link


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